We have a group of men that are going after life to own it. We understand that you can not reach or grab hold of life unless you are going in the right direction and on the right track. God made a way for men to be men and to do amazing things in this life. He sent the Commander and Chief, Jesus Christ, to enlist men into the army of God so that they may be trained and equiped in their search for the meaning of life and their call to lead others to it.
God has blessed our church with an awesome man of God who is a leader of leaders and who is not afraid to get his hands dirty. Mark Branyon is a man that God has used to reach many men with the hope of the gospel. Mark knows what it is like to be in the valley and what it is like to trust and be led by God. Mark is an avid hunter, gunsmen, and works often on his farm. God has given him a vision for the men that surround us and it is coming into focus every day. We would ask and call you to join the movement of God as a man who desires to be a better man, a better husband, and a better daddy. You can learn more about this group and other opportunities for the men by calling Mark Branyon at 864-510-1281 or come to our service and talk with any of us.