
August 25, 2013 Pastor: Brannon Poore

Topic: Jesus & Culture Passage: Colossians 1:15–1:20

Title: Presence
Passage: Colossians 1:15-20


Colossians 1:15-20

1) You Don't Just Need Him-You Can't Live Without Him.
-"All things were created through Him and for Him."
-"The righteous shall live by faith." (Rom.1:17)
-Faith is Life

2)You Don't Just Need Him Once-You Can't Last Without Him.
-" Him all things hold together."
-How? He has been there and completed the task!
-Hebrews 12:2--He is the Pioneer of your faith/life.

3)You Don't Just Need Him Once In A While-You Can't Move Without Him.
-"...that in everything He might be preeminent."
-He is the Head, the Chief, the Dread Champion, and He is for you. (Jeremiah 20:11)
-"...the gates of hell WILL NOT prevail." (Mt.16:18)

Brannon Poore/Lead Pastor at The Well