Our Vision:
We exist to see the transformation of lives, a city, and a world through the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Our Mission:
We will show Jesus to people through gospel-centered truth, love, giving, serving and sacrifice.
Our Method:
We exist to find thirsty people, to lead them to drink from Jesus who is the fountain of living water, then teach them to pour Him into others.
We are passionate about speaking a language that this culture can understand. We are absolutely commited to preaching and teaching the Word of God and will always be. However, we are committed to incorporating different mediums and methods to help everyone understand the Word of God because we understand that this cultures language and mode of learning include more than just the spoken or written word, but also include music, art, video, dance, movement etc...
We do not pretend to know everything or claim that the way we intend to "do" church is any better than any other church, only that this is how God is leading us to "do" the church. We are deeply in love with the Same Jesus, stand on the Same Bible, are led by the Same Spirit, and are moving toward the Same God. Consider beoming a partner at The Well and entering into this battle with us so that God might use us to change our world.
Our children and youth are very important to us. We will be dedicated to speaking their language, fighting for their attention, teaching them about Jesus, and leading them into deep fellowship with Jesus so that they would be continually effected in every aspect of their lives. This will be a great priority!
Local missions is another priority. We want to love our city into a relationshiop with Christ. Money is tight for everyone and it is no different at The Well, but our 1st purchase was an enclosed trailer that we will fill with different ministry tools such as yard rakes, hedge trimmers, recreational equipment, brooms, mops, trash bags and more. This trailer will be used to do pull up missions. We can pull up to any house or apartment complex to show the love of Christ in many different ways. Love is the only way to make a real difference.
Deep relationships within the church will be key. We have started what we call Bucket Groups. A bucket group is a group that focuses on a greater relathionship with God and each other as well as addressing real life stuff. If we want to be whole as an individual then we must put our individual selves aside and focus our mind body and soul on Jesus and those around us. This is an unusual concept to the world but it is the basis of all that Jesus taught. The first will be last and the last will be first. Join a bucket group near you to see the difference.